This is a very attractive game to play for a long time while learning a lot!
You just have to click HERE, select your game, your avatar and start playing!
Even if you want, you can also sign in the website and have lots of fun while doing spelling contests with you family and friends.
There is a great bunch of levels, from first grade to eighth grade (American educational system), even for adults. So, attention to diversity is totally taken into account here.
It is very easy to learn English and enjoy at the same time!
Blog educativo ideado para el aprendizaje del Inglés, su cultura y concienciación sobre su importancia en el mundo actual. Dedicado especialmente a mis alumnos, quienes me inspiran cada día gracias a su alegría, energía e ilusión. También a todo aquél que quiera aprender Inglés de manera divertida, con juegos, música y datos curiosos. I really hope you have fun!